Fine & Performing Arts
St. Cloud District 742 is recognized regionally as a leader in the Fine and Performing Arts. This recognition is due to a strong commitment by the district and community to support the study of music and art as an essential component in a well-rounded education. It is also a reflection of the outstanding art and music educators and talented students that make up our district. As a program, we are committed to providing high quality fine and performing arts education opportunities for all students as part of their core academic instruction.
District 742 has a full compliment of Fine and Performing Arts opportunities as a core learning area, kindergarten through high school, for all students. Each student in grades K- 5 has approximately 100 minutes of music classes and 50 minutes of visual art classes each week. The Fine and Performing Arts curriculum is aligned to the state arts standards and includes instruction in a wide variety of mediums, genres, projects and performance/display opportunities that support and enhance learning in other core academic areas.
Beginning in 5th or 6th grade, students have the opportunity to include band, choir or orchestra to their overall learning experiences. Each secondary school offers a comprehensive program of instrumental and vocal music programs that further enhance the total core learning experience of each participant.
In addition to art and music, secondary schools offers Theater as an activity for students to add yet another dimension of the arts to their core learning. Each secondary school produces at least one production each year, with a musical production offered every-other-year.