Grade 2
English Language Arts
Second graders are busy reading a variety of genres. Through daily reading and writing, they practice using reading strategies that help them visualize, make, confirm and review predictions, ask and answer questions, reread, and summarize. These students continue to develop strong decoding skills through daily structured literacy instruction.
Math challenges students to move through 1000 with regards to counting, reading, writing, representing, and comparing numbers. Addition and Subtraction move into two-digits. Students begin looking at mental strategies, including rounding and estimating. They are introduced to variables in second grade and represent unknowns with letters. Geometry continues with looking at sides, edges, and vertices of three-dimensional objects, as well and measuring with units such as centimeters and inches. Parents can continue to work on time and money at home—time is now expanded to the quarter hour as well as understanding am and pm. Quarters are added with money. The big way we need help at home is helping students become fluent in their addition and subtraction facts.
Second grade science brings about matter and motion. Students take a closer look at the properties of materials.
Social Studies
Social Studies will ask students to work as a “history investigator” as they explore how people impact the environment, work with historical records and artifacts and learn more about the culture of the Minnesota Dakota peoples. Second graders will learn how to vote, compare and contrast rules and begin to understand how money is used in the past as well as present day.