Assessment & Testing
The Assessment and Testing Division of Learning & Teaching is responsible for the administration and analysis of the state mandated and district selected assessments.
Information obtained is used to assist in assessing curricular success, planning continuous improvement and evaluating district programs. Assessment results are used by teachers, administrators and parents to promote academic success for each and every student in District 742.
MN Report Card
The results on statewide testing, including the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments and the ACCESS for the ELs 2.0, as well as other demographic information and performance indicators are published annually in the MN Report Card.
What is Assessment?
Assessment, or testing, indicates what students know and are able to do. Assessment is structured to a specific purpose with measurable results.
- Formative assessment is ongoing assessment within the classroom used to help teachers adjust their instructional strategies. It answers the question: what comes next? for a student.
- Benchmark assessment is periodic testing that is screening in nature and monitors student progress. It is used to identify strengths and gaps in curriculum and instruction.
- Summative assessment is broad-scale assessment that comes at the end of an instructional period, often annually, and is used comparatively to identify trends over time and measure progress toward state standards.